Deepika Padukone’s much talked-about video, My Choice directed by Homi Adajania has gone viral on YouTube. With more than one million views in less than 24 hours, the video has been watched, praised and also bashed by people on social networking websites.
The short film, titled My Choice, is brave in its approach of the topic of women empowerment. The video shows Deepika talking about the freedom of choice that women must have regarding multiple issues, including having the choice to indulge in sex before marriage or out of marriage or not having sex at all.
For the first time, the Amul girl (Deepika) has changed her hairstyle from usual high pony tail to blown up hair imitating Deepika's hairstyle in My Choice video and the tagline reads, "It's my choice! To use a butter knife or use my fingers!"
My Choice, directed by Homi Adjania, calls for a change in the mindset of men about women and asks them to stop judging women for their choices of clothes, profession and life.
The short film, titled My Choice, is brave in its approach of the topic of women empowerment. The video shows Deepika talking about the freedom of choice that women must have regarding multiple issues, including having the choice to indulge in sex before marriage or out of marriage or not having sex at all.
For the first time, the Amul girl (Deepika) has changed her hairstyle from usual high pony tail to blown up hair imitating Deepika's hairstyle in My Choice video and the tagline reads, "It's my choice! To use a butter knife or use my fingers!"
My Choice, directed by Homi Adjania, calls for a change in the mindset of men about women and asks them to stop judging women for their choices of clothes, profession and life.
Download My Choice Video:
Deepika Padukone's viral online video on women empowerment, "My Choice". video got mixed reaction from the audiences. Some of them liked it, while some of them didn’t. In the video Deepika Padukone calls for the change in the ‘caged’ mindset of the men about women asking them to change the perception and judging them for their choices of clothes, profession and personal life.
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